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  • 1883 Cookbook Household Decoration Games Birds Camping Cookery Victorian

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    Item: 1883 Cookbook Household Decoration Games Birds Camping Cookery Victorian
    Sold For: $3,003.00
    Bids:  28
    Date:  May 08, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: judys.antiques
    Description and Image By: judys.antiques

    The successful housekeeper a manual of universal application Especially adapted to the every day wants of american housewives embracing

    Several thousand throroughly tested and approved recipes, care and culture of children, birds, and house plants; flower and window gardening, etc.; with many valuable hints on home decoration 1883 6 ½ x 8 ½ inches chapter i Bread making,yeast that will not sour,a good reliable yeast,another good Yeast,good home made bread,yeast bread,potato bread,another,milk Sponge bread,salt rising bread,salt rising bread no. 2,corn bread,corn Bread no. 2,corn bread no. 3,corn bread no. 4,grandmother’s indian Bread,quick graham bread,baking powder graham bread,brown bread Of graham flour,graham bread,graham bread no. 2,brown bread, Brown bread no. 2,boston brown bread,rye bread,rye and indian bread, Rye bread with baking powder,hoyleton bread,norwegian bread for Dyspeptics,oat meal bread,rice bread

    Chapter ii Breakfast and tea cakes,light biscuit,butter biscuit,soda biscuit,dixie Biscuit,baking powder biscuit,cream of tarter biscuit,english biscuit, Graham biscuits,cold biscuits,bunns,cinnamon cake,graham cakes, rye Drop cakes,corn cakes,johnny cakes,newport breakfast cakes, potato Cakes,griddle cakes,stale bread griddle cakes,corn meal griddle cakes, Rice griddle cakes,flour griddle cakes,green corn griddle cakes,hominy Griddle cakes,crumb corn cakes,flannel cakes,buckewheat cakes,graham Griddle cakes,squash and pumpkin and apple griddle cakes,berry griddle Cakes,egg cracknels,oatmeal crackers,graham crackers,crumpets, London crumpets,kentucky corn dodgers, fritters: green corn fritters, Green corn fritters no. 2,apple fritters,celery fritters,oyster fritters, Clam fritters,lobster fritters,rice fritters,blackberry fritters, gems: Graham gems,graham gems n0. 2,graham gems n0. 3,cold water gems, Mixed gems,corn gems,oatmeal gems, muffins: muffins no. 2,muffins no. 3, Rice flour muffins,rice muffins,graham muffins,graham muffins no. 2, Corn meal muffins, mush: corn mush,oatmeal mush,cracked wheat mush, Cracked wheat mush no. 2,fried mush for breakfast,hominy, puffs: puffs,

    German puffs,graham puffs,oatmeal puffs,potato puffs,cream puffs, Puffets,proverbs,pocket books. Rolls: how to make rolls,rolls #2,parker House rolls,cinnamon rolls,white mountain rolls,vienna twist rolls, Oatmeal rolls,italian rolls,graham breakfast rolls,french rolls,tremont House rolls,rosettes rusks: sweet rusks,sweet rusks no. 2, rusks,baking Powder rusks,scones,scotch scones,sally lunn,sally lunn no. 2,plain Short cake,scotch short cake sandwiches: ham sandwiches,egg Sandwiches,sardine sandwiches,school lunch sandwiches,oyster sand- Wiches,tongue or ham sandwiches toast: cream toast,breakfast toast, Cheese and egg toast,ham toast,spanish toast,fried bread  waffles: Waffles no. 2, waffles no. 3, waffles no. 4,bread waffles,rice waffles, Graham wafers,sweet wafers

    chapter iii   Cake: almond cake,almond cake no. 2,adelaide cake,apple cake,dressing For same,angel’s food,andalusia sponge cake,black fruit cake,bride cake, Bride cake no. 2,bread cake,black cake,bridgeport cake,butternut cake, Boston cream cake,cocoanut cake,cocoanut cake no. 2,chocolate cake, Corn starch cake,corn starch cake no. 2,coffee cake,chocolate eclairs, Charlotte cachee,cider cake,cake without eggs,cream puffs,citron cake, Cream cake,chocolate cake no. 2,christmas cake,cinnamon cake,cup cake, Cocoanut pound cake,clove cake,delicious cake,drop cake,dough cake, Dover cake,dundee cake,dried apple cake,election cake,everyday fruit Cake,eggless cake,english christmas cake,fruit cake from dough,fruit cake, Fruit cake n0. 2,fruit jelly cake,favorite lemon jelly cake,fig cake,fig Cake no. 2,french loaf cake,feather cake,feather cake no. 2,gold cake, Gentleman’s favorite,ginger drop cake,gingerbread loaf,ginger-bread, Soft ginger-bread,soft ginger bread no.2, ginger cup cake,groom’s cake, Graham cup cake,hickory-nut cake,hickory-nut drop cake,huckleberry cake, Honey cake,imperial cake,ice-cream cake,jelly cake,jelly rolls,kaffee kuchen, Knickerbocker cake,lemon cake,lemon cake no. 2,lemon jelly cake,lady cake, Lunch cake,light cake,loaf cake,marbled cake,mountain cake,madeira cake, Molasses cake,marbled chocolate cake,moreton farm cake,nut cake, Nut cake no. 2,white nut cake,neapolitan cake,lady fingers,orange cake, Orange cake #2,perfection cake,pork cake,portuguese cake,puff cake, Pine-apple cake,pound cake without soda,cocoanut pound cake,pound Cake,plum cake,quincy cake,queen cake,railroad cake,reception cake,rice Cake,rochester jelly cake,silver cake,snow cake,swiss cake,delicious cake, Sponge cake with hot water,sponge cake,white sponge cake,sultana cake, Spice cake,seed cake,tunbridge cake,taylor cake,wedding cake,wedding Cake #2,vanilla cake,washington cake,wine cake,webster cakes, Watermelon cake,white cake,yule cake,crullers,crullers #2,crullers #3, Cookies,jumbles,and snaps: almond cookies,cocoanut cookies,cookies, Cream cookies,cookies #2,cookies #3,cookies #4,eggless cookies,ginger Cookies,graham cookies,molasses cookies,sugar cookies,hickory-nut Cookies,sand tarts,jumbles,jumbles #2,ginger snaps,ginger snaps #2, Ginger snaps #3,doughnuts,doughnuts without eggs,doughnuts raised, Cream doughnuts,fried cakes,snow balls white Chapter iv Creams and custards: apple snow,almond cream,apple float,bavaroise, Blanc mange,cream a la mode,coffee cream,bavarian cream,chocolate

    Bavarian cream,caledonian cream,charlotte russe elegante,charlotte Russe,charlotte russe #2,fruit charlotte,genoese cream,italian cream, Manioca cream,russe cream,rock cream,spanish cream,tapioca cream, Whipped cream,whipped cream sauce,almond custard,apple custard, Boiled custard,baked custard,chocolate custard,coffee custard,corn Starch custard,cocoanut custard,cold cup custard,carmel custard,lemon Custard,moonshine,floating island,floating island #2,irish moss,quacking Custard,orange snow Chapter v Confectionary: general directions,almond candy,almond creams, Bon bons,butter scotch,boston caramels,cream cocoanut candy,cocoanut Caramels,cocoanut candy,chocolate caramels,chocolate cream drops, Chocolate kisses,fruit candy,hickory-nut candy,horehound candy,lemon- Cream candy,lemon and peppermint drops,molasses candy,white molasses Candy,peanut candy,pop-corn balls,taffy,efferton taffy,vinegar candy, Vinegar candy #2,walnut candy,meringues,cream meringues,macaroon, Bachelor buttons,corn starch rateffes Chapter vi Catsups,currant catsups,cucumber catsups,gooseberry catsup,plum Catsup,tomato catsup,tomato catsup #2 Chapter vii Desserts: puddings,to young housekeepers,arrowroot pudding,almond Pudding,pie-plant charlotte,croquettes of rice,bombes au riz,green Corn pudding,cottage pudding,cranberry roll,delmonico pudding,eve’s Pudding,fig pudding,fruit pudding,baked farina pudding,plain fruit Pudding,florentine pudding,gelatine pudding,ginger pudding,honey Comb pudding,huckleberry pudding,hen’s nest,indian pudding,apple Pudding,apple batter pudding,apple float,apple slump,baked apple Dumplings.apples surprised,amber pudding,ambrosia,apple omelette, Apple charlotte,bancroft pudding,bread pudding,banana and apple tart, Bird’s nest pudding,bird’s nest pudding #2,cabinet pudding,cream batter Pudding,cracker pudding,chocolate pudding,charlotte pudding,cottage Pudding,custard bread pudding,cocoanut pudding,cream pudding,crumb Pudding,irish rock,jelly rice,jelly custard,jelly tartlets,kiss pudding,lemon Pudding,lemon trifle,lemon pudding,meringue rice pudding,malagan Pudding,mitchell pudding,maud’s pudding,orange pudding,christmas Plum pudding,plum pudding,english plum pudding,plum pudding,rich Plum pudding,baked plum pudding,poor man’s pudding,raisin puffs,roly Poly pudding,rice pudding,sago pudding,suet pudding,steamed pudding, Snow pudding,steamed pudding,strawberry shortcake,strawberry Shortcake #2,tapioca pudding,tapioca pudding #2,to cook rice,vegetable Pudding,whipped syllabubs,yankee pudding,pudding sauce,sweet sauce, Fruit sauce,fruit pudding sauce,arrowroot sauce,german custard sauce, Pudding sauce,puff paste,pie crust,good and cheap pie crust,pie crust Glaze,pie crust for four small pies,tart crust,icing pastry,puff paste With beef suet,apricot pie,apple pie,apple custard pie,boiled cider pie, Banana pie,cracker pie,chocolate pie,cocoanut pie,jelly custard,custard Pie,cream pie,cream pie #2,custard for cream pie,delicate pie,lemon pie, Fruit pie,lemon pie #2,mince meat,mince meat,mince pie,mince pie #2,mince Meat without meat,marlborough pie,orange pie,cream peach pie,pine- Apple pie,pumpkin pie,potato pie,sweet potato pie,sweet potato pie #2, Apple or peach meringue pie,peach pie,quince pie,cream raspberry pie, Raisin pie,rhubarb pie,rice pie,squash pie,vinegar pies,tarts Chapter viii Drinks: coffee,coffee substitutes,novel mode of making coffee,tea,iced tea, A good summer drink,cottage beer,ginger beer,spruce beer,iced buttermilk, Claret cup,fruit cup,cream of tarter drink,jelly drinks,simon pure Lemonade,jelly lemonade,ginger lemonade,berry sherbert,excellent mead Chapter ix Eggs and omelettes,breaded eggs,egg a la mode,how to bake eggs,egg Baskets,to pickle eggs,scrambled eggs,to poach eggs,stuffed eggs, Omelette,omelette #2,apple omelette ,baked omelette,oyster omelette, Omelette souffle,french omelette,omelette with ham,eggs a la bonne Femm Chapter x Fresh fruits: pine apples,a nice way to prepare apples,to stew apples, Bananas and cream,to crystallize fruit,to keep grapes,melons,oranges, Candied cherries,stewed pears,glace cherries,candied lemon-peel, Chapter xi Canning fruit: general directions,apple sauce,canned pine-apple,canned Pine-apple #2,canned berries,canned pears,canned peaches,dried peaches Chapter xii Ices and ice-creams: berry cream,burnt sugar ice-cream,chocolate ice Cream,coffee ice cream,lemon ice cream,peach ice cream,pine-apple ice Cream,orange ice cream,strawberry and raspberry ice cream,vanilla ice Cream,cocoanut ice cream,frozen tapioca custard,frozen rice custard, Frozen sago custard,water-ices,cherry water-ice with nut cream, Strawberry water-ice,raspberry water-ice,burnt almond ice cream and Orange-ice,biscuit glaces,rateffe biscuit cream,tutti frutti,gelatine paste For ornamenting ices,pine-apple sherbert,to color ice cream or water ices, Chapter xiii Icings: almond icing,boiled icing,boiled icing #2,chocolate icing,chocolate Icing #2,chocolate icing #3,clear icing for cake,icing for cakes,tutti frutti Frosting,lemon icing,ornamental icing,yellow icing,rose coloring Chapter xiv Jams and jellies: apricot jam,marmalades and jams,apple jam,blackberry Raspberry currant or strawberry jam,grape gooseberry or plum jam, Apple marmalade,orange marmalade,pine-apple marmalade,peach Marmalade,quince marmalade,plum marmalade,pumpkin marmalade, Jellies: apple jelly,blackberry jelly,cranberry jelly,crab-apple jelly,currant Ly,currant jelly,grape jelly,peach jelly,pie-plant jelly,quince jelly,quince Jelly #2 gelatine jellies: coffee jelly,lemon snow jelly,lemon jelly,orange Jelly,wine jelly,mouldiness Chapter xv Mushrooms,mushrooms au gratin,mushrooms a la provencale,mushroom A la cream,baked mushrooms,breakfast mushrooms,curried mushrooms, Mushrooms en caisse,mushroom catsup,mushrooms en ragout,mushroom With bacon,mushroom stems,to stew mushrooms,to pot mushrooms, Mushrooms and toast,mushrooms on toast,to pickle mushrooms,another Method Chapter xvi Pickles,pickled artichokes,pickled butternuts and walnuts,pickled beans, Pickled beets,pickled brocoli,bottled pickles,mary’s pickled blackberries, To put up cucumbers in brine,pickled cabbage,pickled cauliflower,pickled Cauliflower #2,pickled cabbage #2,pickled cucumbers,chow-chow,chow- Chow #2,pickled cherries,french pickles,pickled grapes,pickled grapes #2, To harden pickles,lemon pickles,mangos of melons,imitation pickled Mangos,pickled nasturtiums,pickled onions,pickled onions #2,pickles, Stuffed peppers,mixed pickles,mixed pickles #2,india pickles,pyper pickles, Ragan pickles,sweet pickles,sweet apple pickle,sweet tomato pickle,green Tomato pickles,picalilli,picklette,spiced vinegar for pickles generally, Pickled peaches,pickled peaches that will keep,to pickle plums,green Tomato soy,pickled tomatoes Chapter xvii Preserves: preserved apples for tea,apple preserves,apricot preserves, Citron preserves,citron preserves #2,currant preserves,brandied cherries Or berries,lemon preserves,preserved oranges,preserved pine-apple, To preserve plums or cherries,purple plums preserved,to preserve pears Brandy peaches,peach preserves,quince preserves,preserving strawberries, Green tomato preserves,ripe tomato preserves,spiced currants,spiced Gooseberries,spiced grapes,spiced nutmeg melon,spiced peaches,spiced Plums,spiced plums #2 Chapterx xviii Vegetables : how to cook potatoes,artichokes(jerusalem)fried,asparagus Boiled,asparagus fricasseed,egg broccoli,beets and potatoes,lima beans, String beans,brussels sprouts,stewed carrots,celery,fried celery,stewed Celery,cream cabbage,cabbage a la cauliflower,boiled cabbage,baked Cabbage,hot slaw,cauliflower,cauliflower a la francaise,cauliflower With stuffing,cauliflower with sauce,corn for winter use,baked corn, Green corn on the cob,corn oysters,stewed corn,stewed cucumbers Celery,fried celery,carrots,carrots boiled,dandelions,endive stewed, Egg plant,egg plant #2,fricasseed egg plant,stuffed egg plants,garlic, Greens stewed,horse-radish as garnish,lettuce,lettuce stuffed,macaroni, Macaroni as a vegetable,macaroni with oysters,macaroni with tomatoes, Stewed macaroni,boiled onions,boiled okra,onion,ormoloo,scalloped Onions,vegetable oyster,mock stewed oysters,parsley,crisp parsley, Parsley fried,parsnips,fried parsnips,parsnip stew,canned pease,french Way of cooking pease,green pease,potato balls,browned potatoes,english Potato balls,southern baked potatoes,cream potatoes,potato croquettes, Potato cake,fried potatoes,fried potatoes #2,mashed potatoes,potato Surprise,potato puff,potato pie,puree of potatoes,potato loaves,saratoga Potatoes,lyonnaise potatoes,old potatoes,tossed potatoes,sweet Potatoes,baked sweet potatoes,a farmer’s dainty dish,rice as a vegetable, Succotash,spinach,cream of spinach,winter squash,stuffed squash, Turnips,mashed turnips,tomatoes a la cream,browned tomatoes,baked Tomatoes,baked tomatoes #2,broiled tomatoes,fried tomatoes,scalloped Tomatoes,stuffed tomatoes,french batter for frying vegetables,rules for Cooking them, Chapter xix Fish: baked fish,to boil fish,boiled fish,baked black fish,brook trout, Flounders,halibut,potted eels,collared eels,sturgeon,cod’s head,fresh Codfish,salt codfish,scalloped codfish,codfish balls,salt mackerel,baked Cod,boiled pike,turbot,to fry white fish,salmon Chapter xx Shell fish: clams,clam bake,clam chowder,clam fritters,fried clams, Clam pie,clam stew,clam soup,crabs,soft crabs,scalloped crab,frogs, Lobster croquettes,lobster cutlets,fried lobster,lobster patties,lobster Rissoles,lobster salad,broiled lobster,lobster en brochette,roasted Lobsters,gratin of lobster,broiled oysters,oyster chowder,oyster Croquettes,fricasseed oysters,fried oysters,fried oysters #2,chicken and Oyster pie,scalloped oysters,park row oyster stew,maryland stewed Oysters,plain stew,oyster sauce,oyster pie,pickled oysters,oyster patties, Oyster pot pie,roasted oysters,oysters fancy roast,oyster a la poulette, Raw oysters,oysters with toast,oyster flavor,new way of preparing Oysters,scallops,terrapins or water turtles Chapter xxi Game: to select game,to pot birds,reed birds,reed birds a la lindenthrorpe, Roast prairie chicken,prairie chicken,to roast partridges pheasants or Quails,quail on toast,to broil quail or woodcock,pigeon pie,roast pigeons, To roast pigeons,pigeon compote,wild duck or mallard,wild goose,roast Hare,a nice way to prepare cold hare,roast rabbit,rabbit with herbs, Venison chops,venison epicurean,venison patties Chapter xxii Marketing: beef,mutton,pork,veal,turkeys,geese,ducks Chapter xxiii Meats: beef aitchbone of to carve,brisket of beef stewed,making tough Steak tender,beef brisket of to carve,broiled steak,broiled beefsteak,rump Steak with oyster sauce,to fry steak or cook in frying pan,german way Of frying beefsteak,beefsteak smothered with onions,beefsteak pie,ribs of Beef to carve,to roast ribs of beef,to roast sirlon of beef,sirlon of beef To carve,beef balls,fillet of beef,a good and cheap way to cook beef,beef A la mode,pounded beef,beef coquettes,deviled beef,beef sausages,beef Au gratin,beef heart,dried beef in cream,beef omelette,broiled beef tongue, To boil beef,tongue roasted,tripe,tripe a la lyonnaise with tomatoes, Bullock’s heart roasted,calf’s heart roasted,calf’s heart fried,sheep’s Heart baked,sweetbreads,sweetbreads fried,sweetbreads baked, Sweetbreads boiled,sweetbreads and cauliflowers,tomato sweetbreads, Kidneys broiled or roasted,stewed kidneys,fried liver,fried liver #2, Roast quarter of lamb,lamb chops fried,lamb chops broiled,stewed lamb With green pease,lamb cutlets,boiled breast of mutton,haunch of mutton A la venison,breast of mutton with pease,mutton curried,mutton chops, Mutton cutlets a la minute,mutton cutlets and puree of potatoes,boiled Leg of mutton,mutton kebbobed,leg of mutton to carve,roast leg of Mutton,mutton cutlets with provincale sauce,pork-to keep fresh in Summer,pork-to cook,pork belly rolled and boiled,pork brawn,pork chops Broiled,pork chops fried,pork cutlets broiled,leg of pork good as goose, Pork cutlets fried,boiled leg of pork with pease pudding,pork pies,roast Loin of pork,pork cake,pork sausages,pork and beans,pressed head,boiled Pig’s feet,pig’s foot cheese,to roast a sucking pig,to cure hams,ham pie, Boned ham fine substitute for turkey,baked ham,smoked meat on toast, Ham and eggs,boiled ham,ham balls,ham garnishing and ornamenting, To glaze hams,collared breast of veal,boiled breast of veal,ragout of Breast of veal,roasted breast of veal,bubble and squeak of veal,veal Cake,veal scallop,calf’s head boiled,calf’s brains a la ravigote Chapter xxiv Poultry : chicken saute a la marengo,capon ranaque,fricasseed chicken, Chicken pie,frying chickens,chicken salad,chicken croquettes,baked Chicken,a nice way to cook chicken,chicken pudding,jellied chicken or Veal,scalloped chicken,chicken pot-pie,broiled chicken,ducks a la Francaise,pressed chicken,duck a la mode,baked duck,braised ducks,braise Of duck with turnip,fricasseed duck,mock duck,minced fowls,to carve Roast fowl,croquettes,to boil goose,roast goose,stuffing with sage and Onion,turkey,carving of turkey,boiled turkey or capon,roast turkey, Roast turkey #2,boiled turkey,turkey dressed with oysters,deviled turkey, Turkey scallop,plain stuffing,apple stuffing,potato stuffing,chestnut Stuffing Chapter xxv Salads: anchovy salad,atichoke salad,beetroot salad,chicken salad, Chicken salad #2,cabbage salad,fish salad,hot egg salad,endive with winter Salad,lettuce salad,lettuce salad #2,lobster salad,game salad,orange Salad,potato salad,salmon salad,summer salad,russian salad,sidney Smith’s receipt for salad dressing,vegetables and salads,water cress salad, Salad dressing,salad dressing #2 Chapter xxvi Soups,sauces,and forcemeats: soups,stock,bean soup,asparagus soup,beef Soup,common soup,clam soup,corn soup,french vegetable soup,egg soup, Chicken soup,cabbage soup,green pea soup,gumbo soup,plain gumbo soup, Lobster soup,macaroni soup,macaroni or vermicelli soup,mock terrapin Soup,mock turtle soup,mutton soup,mushroom soup,noodles for soup, Okra gumbo,ox-tail soup,oyster soup,potato soup,turkey soup,southern Gumbo fela,tomato soup,tomato soup #2,green turtle soup,soyer’s cheap Soups,soup #2 –same cost,aspic jelly for garnishing,aspic jelly stock, Bechamel sauce,anchovy sauce,bread sauce,brown sauce,cucumber sauce, Chili sauce,caper sauce,celery sauce,egg sauce,fish sauce,the hollandaise Sauce,hot sauce for meats,horse radish sauce,mushroom sauce,mint Sauce,mustard sauce,prepared mustard,made mustard,mayonnaise sauce, Maitre d’hotel butter,maiter d’hotel sauce,oyster sauce,old currant sauce For venison,piquant sauce,tomato sauce,almond forcemeat,forcemeat Balls,chestnut forcemeat,forcemeat for fish soups and stews,forcemeat For game,forcemeat for turkeys,mushroom forcemeat,oyster forcemeat Chapter xxvii Furniture: furniture covers,the use of varnish,how to make an ottoman, To render new mahogany like old,to clean furniture,dirty or stained Furniture,to clean paint,to make glue,to revive gilt frames,magic Furniture polish Chapter xxviii House pests: camphor a remedy for mice,rats to drive away alive,how to Deal with rats,to destroy bed bugs moths and other vermin,to prevent red Ants,how to get rid of flies,mosquitoes Chapter xxix Toilet: cleaning gloves,hair receivers,toilet cushons,shaving cases,to Clean hair brushes and combs,to clean jewelry,cologne water,cologne Water #2,cold cream,lip salve,lavender water,to clean gold chains, To clean gilt jewelry,to remove a tight ring,grease eraser,cure for Chapped hands,care of the teeth,offensive feet,for freckles,care of the Nails Chapter xxx Kitchen: care of silver,new kettles,to purify water,washing dishes, Cleaning tinware,to make hard water soft,the griddle,coal ashes good To scour with,how to triumph over absent-mindedness,an economical Crumb-cloth,scraping kettles,how to keep lamp chimneys clean,how to Start a fire,to make fire kindlers,how to polish a stove easily,how to use The oil stove,blacking stoves,how to clean mica,to clean knives,to keep A kitchen table clean Chapter xxxi The laundry: to clean colored fabrics,muslim dresses,laces,to bleach Lace,to stiffen linen,to clean cloth,to clean black silk,to clean black Merino or any woolen stuff,to renovate crape,washing clothes,washing Chintzes,to remove spots of wax,another recipe,to clean carpets,for Bleaching cotton cloth,to clean light kid gloves,to clean white silk lace, Starch polish,washing fluid,gem washing fluid,hard soap,soft soap, How to wash flannels,how to keep black gloves from crocking,to remove Scorches,washing towels,how to do up shirt bosoms Chapter xxxii Sewing room: saving thread,window shades,scrap-bags,sewing on Bottons,marking handkerchiefs,table covers,taking care of stockings, Putting away stockings,to preserve old stockings,home-made work Baskets,harmonious color contrasts Chapter xxxiii Dyeing etc,: silks,woollen goods,cotton goods,coloring cotton Carpet rags,to remove stains Chapter xxxiv Odds and ends: how to protect the dress,putting up curtains,window Gardens,to keep boys and girls at home,lining stair carpets,putting away Woollen clothes,pretty and simple ornaments,how to make and old Japanese umbrella useful,to remove paint and putty from window glass, To preseve natural flowers,eggs—to preserve for winter use,charcoal For flowers,to revive gilt frames,floor clothes,to pot butter for winter Use,to prevent rust,paste,french polish,to preserve steel articles from Rust,to preserve flowers,incombustible dresses,home-made table syrup, The chromograph,lime water,preserving autumn leaves,skeleton leaves, To restore frozen plants,for crystallizing grass,frosting for windows Black tracing paper,sympathetic ink,valuable cement,cement for rubber Leather,diamond cement,weights and measures Chapter xxxv The sick room: panada,arrow root jelly,beef tea,beef tea #2,chicken Panada,egg cream,soup for an invalid,gruel,egg gruel,gruel for infants, Beef jelly for invalids, Chapter xxxvi Health items: receipt for cold,cough mixture,to remove warts,to prevent Nail growing into the toe,to prevent the nightmare,the use of a raw egg, How to make a sand bag,worm remedy,sleep as a medicine,new cure for Wounds,a mustard plaster,a cure for diptheria,bilious headache,a remedy For cold feet,the opium habit,antidotes for poison,external use of castor Oil,treatment of the supposed drowned,cure for the burns,grandmother’s Salve for everything,cholera remedy,fig paste for constipation,cure for Chilblains,for canker sore mouth,cure for corns,ring worm,cure for Rheumatism and bilious headache,for felon,for felon #2,toothache,cure For neuralgia,tincture of iodine on corns,smallpox remedy,for Hydrophobia,flannels for fomentation,for hoarseness,for sore throat, Healing lotion,to prevent contagion from eruptive diseases,for toothache For headache,to stop bleeding,to restore from stroke of lightning,salve For chiliblains,to remove discoloration from bruises,cure for wasp sting, Cure for summer complaint,the best deodorizer, Chapter xxxvii Care and culture of children: sleep,exercise,food,rice jelly,arrowroot, Milk and bread,wheaten grits,hominy and milk,graham hasty pudding, Rice flour hasty pudding,milk porridge,mush and milk,condensed milk Moral influence—obedience, Chapter xxxviii The dining room: decoraton for the dinner table,company dinner, Home dinner,coffees and luncheons,luncheons,allowance of supplies For an entertainment,cold lunches for washing days or other days of Extra labor,economical dinners Chapter xxxix The aqarium Chapter xl Care of canaries: choosing the birds,taming,cages,baths,food and Water,breeding canaries Chapter xli Floriculture: trellised windows,arbors and rockeries,rockeries,indoor Gardens Chapter xlii the picnic Chapter xliii garden parties Chapter xliv camping out Chapter xlv daughters Chapter xlvi house painting Chapter xlvii the care of the hair Chapter xlviii Household amusements: the ball of wool,shadows,the messenger,magic Music,the courtiers,the dumb orator,speaking buff,the shopkeepers, Twirling the trencher,proverbs,the newspaper,comical combinations, Buz,the knight of the whistle,catch the ring,scandal,the wild beast show, The genteel lady always genteel,dumb crambo,the giantess,a blind Judgment Chapter xlix Folding napkins: the pocket,crown pattern,the flower,the cornucopia, The cocked hat,the basket,the mitre,the shell,the victoria regia,the tiara Glossary of terms used in cooking

    Binding and hinges good Pages 192 through 208 have some soiling or foxing marks Mostly at bottom area of the pages 3 or 4 pages have “dog ear” marks Besides this, the pages are in nice condition

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