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  • 1907 Voltamp B&O Locomotive Sold for $10,367.87 on eBay

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    The Ebay Listing as of December 26, 2012.

    On November 12, 2012 a 1907 Voltamp B&O Locomotive Sold for $10,367.87 on eBay

    The Seller 224citysteve4556 described the item as: “We are proud to be offering this very very rare 1907 BALTIMORE AND OHIO VOLTAMP 2100 STEAM LOCOMOTIVE AND TENDER. As the pictures will show this is the real deal and is being sold as found with nothing being done to it. It is missing the front headlamp and the top of the cab got dented along the way. It still has its original number and name insignias in tact. This is untested and is being sold strictly as found and pictured. All you collectors will know what needs to be done if anything to it. Voltamp was an early American manufacturer of toy trains based in Baltimore, Maryland. Founded by Manes A. Fuld (1863-1929), the son of a Baltimore stove dealer, in the 1890’s. Voltamp holds an important place in the evolution of the toy train hobby for its 1907 release of the first electric toy train that operated on ordinary household alternating current. This was a significant advancement for toy train operation because earlier electric trains had used battery power. For the first time, the toy train world had wall current powered electric trains, instead of spring powered/clockwork, battery powered, and fire-powered steam”

    Definitely a very nice Locomotive that brought a lot of attention and a great price.

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