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  • 1966 Penobscot Tribe Indian Representative #1 John Nelson

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    Item: 1966 Penobscot Tribe Indian Representative #1 John Nelson
    Sold For: $1,275.00
    Bids:  24
    Date:  Jun 14, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller:  me
    Description and Image By: me

    Here’s a rare one – I’m planning on parting with my number 1 plate collection, and if I get enough interest on some of my marginal issues, I’ll be listing the rest over the next few weeks.   This is the rarest of the Representative issues, and probably the rarest of the Tribal plates as well – this is an authentic, used 1966 Indian Rep plate, used by Indian Representative John Nelson, who was the tribal rep for a number of years. The reverse of this plate has a hand written note from Representative Nelson.

    I’ve seen PHOTOS of this plate for sale, and I’ve seen various mint “protos” and fantasy issues of other Maine number 1 plates, but this is a truly used example, with all the dings and nicks to show for it. Condition is all original as shown. There is a reserve on this item, reflecting the rarity of this issue.   Of all the fifty states in the Union, Maine is the only one that has Representatives in its Legislature for its Indian Tribes.

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