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  • 1935 Zenith Model 811 Radio Worth $4,500.

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    1935 Zenith Model 811 Art Deco Tombstone, Superhetrodyne Radio

    1935 Zenith Model 811 Art Deco Tombstone, Superhetrodyne Radio

    Title:1935 Zenith Model 811 Art Deco Tombstone, Superhetrodyne Radio
    Price:Sold $4,500.
    Date:Oct. 11 2011
    Feedback:44 (100%)

    Description and images by Thisteman11-

    I came across this radio, as you see it, about thirty years ago and have used it now and then to get my fix of that warm tube sound that only older radios have, but it’s that time. The radio is the ultra rare 1935 Zenith, Model 811, art deco, tombstone radio, S/N 570329(There is a “K” printed before the stamped number) From what I have learned, there were only 1156 of them manufactured in 1934 to become the 1935 model.

    1935 Zenith Model 811 Art Deco Tombstone, Superhetrodyne Radio

    1935 Zenith Model 811 Art Deco Tombstone, Superhetrodyne Radio

    The set will operate on either AC/DC. It is a 6 tube, superhetrodyne, triple filtered set with 3 bands in the 535-18.750 kilocycle range. In the day, it would receive US and foreign stations, airplane, police, and air traffic conversations. When I checked it the other day with a couple of 3′ pieces of wire for an antenna, I had weak signals from South America, Germany, Spain, & Italy. Not much Am around here anymore. The radio stands 17 1/4″ high, is 12 1/2″ wide , and is 8 5/8″ deep. The white faced dial is 2 3/4″ in diameter and the backlight bulbs work when the radio is on.

    The dial, indicator, and clear cover have no scratches or cracks. The case is a beautiful example of art deco design. It’s in excellent shape with only a couple of small nicks on the curved edge and a 1/2″ piece of veneer on the top curved, skinny piece of grill wood that is starting to lift. These can be seen above in picture 11. There is also a 1/4′ piece of veneer on the front, to the right of the grill, that is a lighter shade than the rest. I don’t know if it is a repair or not but it can be seen in picture 1.

    You can see where the grill cloth has slipped a bit at the top. One of the tuning knobs is missing and in another knob, the little metal tab that would keep the knob from spinning freely, is missing. There is no back to the case but there are screw holes so I would presume that there was one originally. By the look of the plug, I would say that the original A/C cord and plug have been changed.

    All and all, this radio is in great shape for being 76 years old and still working strong. I have tried to describe the radio in as much physical detail as I can and am working with facts I have found on the net, in blogs, and info from helpful aquaintences so please, if you have questions, drop me a line and I’ll try to get answers.

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