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  • Mid 19th Century Baluchi Prayer Rug N E Persian 100%

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    Item: Mid 19th Century Baluchi Prayer Rug N E Persian 100%
    Sold For: $1,358.00
    Bids:  21
    Date:  Apr 29, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: lordhalifaxthe3rrd
    Description and Image By: lordhalifaxthe3rrd

    Fantastic piece – finest one i have ever seen!

    Complete kilim ends – Collectors piece!

    Highly Publishable!

    A few dabs of cotton too..

    You will love it! I posted images 9 and 10 from a great book by one of the best known collectors of our time. Look at the similarities of the weavings – I am auctioning a very special and rare weaving. The Chevrons are super rare in these types.

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