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  • Woven Rug Sylvia Baldwin Vintage Navajo Native American Indian Weaving Raylc

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    Item: Woven Rug Sylvia Baldwin Vintage Navajo Native American Indian Weaving Raylc
    Sold For: $762.75
    Bids:  25
    Date:  May 27, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: lakecountryauctions
    Description and Image By: lakecountryauctions

    Beautifully detailed and tightly woven rug by navajo artist sylvia baldwin

    Measures 33 3/4″ x 46 1/4″ and is in excellent condition

    Comes with original receipt of purchase and polaroids taken by ray crenna Years ago documentating part of his collection. On the back of photos it state synthia baldwin wide ruins run invoice number date purchased and price paid.

    Rug was purchased at nambe gift shop in santa fe in 1989 for $2190

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