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  • Joe Johnston Concept Art Painting

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    Item: Raider’s of the Lost Ark” ~ Original Concept Art by Oscar winner Joe Johnston
    Sold For: $5,800.00
    Bids: 24
    Date: Aug 23, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Description and Image By: mojo1316

    This original Joe Johnston concept art painting was created with gouache and colored pencils on illustration board for the submarine’s approach to the island.  Johnston painted this during pre-prodoction of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is original and there are no others. This rare piece of art has never been published and has also never been in any publications that Joe’s aware of. It is a very rare, one of a kind item.  *You can see Indy hanging onto the submarine (see photos). The photos haven’t been retouched in any way. The last one was taken with a flash, the others weren’t. The colors in the painting are really that good.

    The winner will receive a COA from Joe Johnston with a summary of the item, a guarantee of its authenticity and statement that it’s from his personal collection (signed and dated). A black and white photo of Joe holding the item is included on the COA, but the buyer may also have color photos sent to them by request via email.

    Joe Johnston went on to win an Academy Award for his VFX work on the film.

    Johnston will uniquely sign this piece for the winner. A photo of him signing it will be emailed to the winner.

    The painting itself is in pristine condition. The area around it has some fingerprints and smudges from being used a lot in the studio. There is a small tack hole in the top where Joe hung this item on the wall of his art room for a reminder/reference while he worked on other story boards.


    The painting itself measures 7″ x 3″

    The board is approximately 14.5″ x 6.5″

    More exact for the board: 14 and 5/8 inches x 6 and 7/16 inches <- (a smidge under 6.5″)

    Joe Johnston was the VFX Art Director on Stars Wars Episodes IV, V and VI. He designed most of the spaceships and vehicles, some of the characters, and storyboarded most of the sequences that involve VFX. He went on to direct many films such as  Captain America: The First Avenger,  Jumanji,   Hidalgo,  The Rocketeer,  October Sky,   Jurassic Park III, and  Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

    A few of Johnston’s creations for Star Wars include: Boba Fett, Yoda, the Ewoks, X-Wings, Y-Wings, TIE fighters, the Millenium Falcon, the Sandcrawler, the Death Star, the Landspeeder, the Snow Walker (AT-AT), Cloud City, the Rocket Bikes and many more!

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