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  • Japanese Atom Jet Racer Sold for $4,701.00 on eBay

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    The Ebay Listing as of November 06, 2012.

    On October 11, 2012 a Japanese Atom Jet Racer Sold for $4,701.00 on eBay

    The Seller gottaget35 described the item as, “You are bidding on a rare Atom Jet Racer 58 Yonezawa Japan Tin Litho Friction Car.  What I learned from research, this toy car was made in Japan in the 1950’s. When new, the Racer was equipped with sparklers/flints inside its body that would shoot out the rear of the jet as it was rolled along. The sparklers do not work. This toy is 27” long, has a friction motor, and a small goggle- wearing driver in the enclosed cockpit.  Please note the crack in the windshield.  The toy still has its rubber wheels and all four hub caps”

    Definitely a very nice Toy that brought a lot of attention and a great price.

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