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  • Star Wars Darth Vader Sold for $3,749.00 on eBay

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    The Ebay Listing as of December 26, 2012.

    On December 03, 2012 a Star Wars Darth Vader Sold for $3,749.00 on eBay

    The Seller knothead615 described the item as: “This is a vintage Star Wars  Darth Vader on 12 back A card. The A card is the first release of the 12 backs as opposed to the B and C cards. This piece has already been professionally graded by AFA receiving an overall grade of 85 with subgrades of C85, B85, F85. The serial number is 10679740 which can be verified at toygrader.com. The card is unpunched. This piece is a must for any star wars collector”

    Definitely a very nice Toy that brought a lot of attention and a great price.

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