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  • Circa 1897 to 1898 Berliner Phonograph Sold for $16,500.

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    Item: Berliner Lever Wind Phonograph circa 1897 to 1898
    Sold for: $16,500.
    Buy it Now Option:
    Date: March 06, 2012
    Site: Ebay
    Seller: Phonodoll

    Desscription and image by: Phonodoll

    This is a Berliner Lever wind phonograph circa 1897 to 1898. This phonograph is not repainted or retouched. Some of the parts that are reproduction are the ball located toward the end of the stop start arm. The hold down for the record and the elbow made out of leather is a reproduction. All other componenets appear to be original.The tonearm pivot mechanism which goes into the support arm is unlike others usually seen for this phonograph. It appears to be from an version, possibly from an 1896 Gramophone.

    The reproducer appears to be in decent condition, and it has serial number J-3309 along with the patent date of Feb. 19, 1895. The turntable also has its original felt. The serial number for the motor is #1027, and is one of the earlier versions. The decal on the case is really good, the wood and finish is also original and velooks really nice. The motor does make noise but is quite normal for these phonographs. The fibre gear seems to be a bit rough. It is a very nice phonograph.

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