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  • Armour Spanish Armor

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    Item: Antique 16th Century Chest Metal Armor Armour Spanish
    Sold For: $2,280.00
    Bids: 19
    Date: Jun 10, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Description and Image By: zon0ao7

    Here is a 16th century chest armor. About 28” tall. Hinged at the waist. Thought to be Spanish made and could of come over with the Conquistadors. In good shape. Came out of a old collection in Mexico City 40 years ago. OLd Santa Few Arms collection.  NO returns. Study the pictures before bidding, and ask question if you are unclear about anything. We described things as best we can but we are not experts in every field. You may know more about the item then we do. You are the judge as to quality and value.

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