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  • Cappiello Original Vintage Poster Affiche Ancienne Contratto 1922 Cond A+ !!!

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    Item:  Cappiello Original Vintage Poster Affiche Ancienne Contratto 1922 Cond A+
    Sold For: $2,000.00
    Bids:  61
    Date:  Apr 06, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: estampe-moderne
    Feedback:   100% (4305)
    Description and Image By: estampe-moderne

    Cappiello poster Contratto Date: 1922 Unbacked / Not Linen Sun: 140x100cm = 55.11 x39, 37 inches Cond: A + Imp: The New Poster Cappiello S.A.

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