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  • Dinosaur Fossil Foot Claw

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    Item: Dinosaur Fossil Chirostenotes Foot Claw

    Sold For: $2,458.33

    Bids: 10

    Date: Sep 01, 2012

    Auction: Ebay

    Description and Image By: dinosaur-rose

    Here we have a real Hell Creek Dinosaur Chirostenotes Foot Claw.  It was found underground at our private deeded microsite, Powder River County, Montana.

    This foot claw is in wonderful condition; it has rich black/brown color and is very solid. It measures up to:  4 3/16″ long by 1 3/4″ tall and  1″ wide. (4 3/4″ on the curve) Fred found this mean looking claw just a week ago. He says its a beauty, but I say its mean looking. 100% fossil with some crack filling. Although there is compression on the left side, all the bone is still there. The tip is what makes this a one of a kind claw as its a very sturdy tip. It also matches up closely to the hand claw that just sold. (The proximal end is in great shape too.)

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