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  • Disney Bronze Art Cowboy Gaucho Goofy By Bill Toma

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    Item: Disney Bronze Art Cowboy Gaucho Goofy By Bill Toma
    Sold For: $2,695.00
    Bids:  1
    Date:  Apr 01, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: cheermom411
    Description and Image By: cheermom411

    Bill Toma outdid himself with this amazing sculpture depicting our beloved Goofy as a cowboy in Gaucho Goofy! The piece stands 13″ high and 15″ long. It weighs about 20 – 25 pounds (I’m estimating). The piece originally cost $3500 and was scheduled to be a private commission not to exceed 250. However, Disney only made one initial order of under 50. This bronze sculpture is guaranteed to be in mint condition. We hope it will bring many years of joy to the lucky bidder.

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