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  • Ericsson Wall Telephone Sold for $2,126.05 on eBay

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    The EbayListing as of November 19, 2012.

    On November 10, 2012 a Ericsson Wall Telephone Sold for $2,126.05 on eBay

    The Seller porsse described the item as: “Special features of this phone: -in original condition , except shellac: polish is renewed ,very beautiful marbled walnut veneer on pulpit ! -no missing parts, nothing broken -an original rough ribbed handset (very rare! ),has no chips or cracks, has good nickel, mouthpiece in excellent condition. All internal parts present. -bells do ring when generator is cranked; the phone is probably in working condition (not tested) -year of manufacture :1897 !!! (according to the serial number)”

    Definitely a very nice Telephone that brought a lot of attention and a great price.

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