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  • High Status Chinese White Metal Costume Adornment/Decoration

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    Item: High Status Chinese White Metal Costume Adornment/Decoration
    Sold For: $15,109.44
    Bids:  38
    Date:  Jun 09, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: stepwynd
    Description and Image By: stepwynd

    Under UK and I believe, International law, it is illegal to sell an item as silver unless it bears a recognised Assay Office hall mark. Clearly, this is a high status object and I believe that it was made for the Chinese domestic market and was, therefore, not marked. If it was to be assayed and marked, its integrity as an antique or vintage item would be destroyed. It is, therefore, sold as “white metal” and I leave it to your own judgement.

    I am told that it is usually worn as costume decoration.

    On one side there is a stunning relief modelled portrayal of two human figures, an ox and a bird outside some remarkably well modelled buildings, including a bridge. The border is engraved superbly with stylised flowers. Please inspect the photographs carefully.

    The other side has excellent repousse work depicting auspicious objects and an inscription which I understand roughly translates into English as “ a crazy life full of joyful love and pleasure” but if you know better! The border on this side is plain.

    The edge is a series of fretwork panels which are highly stylised but may be a representation of a dragon but could equally well be something entirely different.

    To the absolute extremes, it measures 5.75 x 4.5 inches (14.5 x 11cm) and is nearly 1 inch (2.5cm) in depth. It weighs 197gms.

    The quality is such that I think it as probably made in Canton but this is only a guess and probably dates from the late 19th century but again this is a guess.

    There is some damage which is mainly to delicate fretwork panels on the edge. I believe that seven of the fifteen panels have suffered some damage varying from very slight to obvious. I have photographed all panels so please use the zoom facilities to check for yourself.

    The front has a couple of tiny dents on the border and between the figures on the base of the building are two tiny rough protuberances. I think that another very tiny figure, possibly a dog but that is just a guess, may have been there originally.

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