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  • Jack Kirby Captain Americal #101 Page 12

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    Item: Jack Kirby Captain Americal #101 Page 12
    Sold For: $6,500.00
    Bids:  1
    Date:  May 05, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: gemcomics
    Description and Image By: gemcomics

    Captain America #101 Page 12 Original Art:


    This is one of the most iconic key pieces of original Jack Kirby art that you will see offered anywhere: Page 12 from the classic issue “When Wakes The Sleeper” published in 1968 but drawn in 1967 per the Comic Code dated stamp on the back.

    This page is depictated on the cover and is full of action with Cap in most of the panels finding out that The Red Skull is still alive.  I am also offering page 13 via separate auction which is the half splash depicting The Sleeper breaking out of his tomb and reaking havoc on most of the Skull’s hench-men.

    You won’t find opportunities like this very often, as I am sure you are aware.  Once gone I don’t expect them to resurface anytime soon.  Important pieces like this usually don’t so good luck and happy bidding.

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