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  • Matchbox No 13 Dodge Wrecker Sold for $8,888.00 on eBay

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    The Ebay Listing as of November 06, 2012

    On September 07, 2012 a Matchbox No 13 Dodge Wrecker Sold for $8,888.00 on eBay

    The Seller jseu2415 described the item as, “This is an original No.13 Matchbox Dodge Wrecker done in the reverse BP colors. IT IS ORIGINAL, my friend bought it as a kid and played with it, so it does have some wear and tear but not bad at all, look at pics. We just found this box of cars while cleaning out his house and didn’t even realize what it was. Made in England by LESNEY”

    According to the Seller this is one of the rarest matchbox cars.

    Is this Your Auction and Prefer We Remove Your item? If so, send us a note here.

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