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  • Octagonal 18th c. Butterfield-Style “N.Bion” Paris Sundial & Compass

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    Item: Octagonal 18th c. Butterfield-Style “N.Bion” Paris Sundial & Compass
    Sold For: $1,475.00
    Bids:  2
    Date:  May 06, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: secret-sight
    Description and Image By: secret-sight

    Octagonal 18th c. Butterfield-Style “N.Bion” Paris France Sundial & Compass

    A fine 18th C. Butterfield-style octagonal hand held silver sundial and compass. It has a folding gnomon pointer on a hinged plate and an inset glazed compass. There is a central engraved Rose stamp, which is attributed to the French maker N.(Nicholas) Bion, Paris France. The working compass has a blued steel needle and the base is engraved NORD, SUD, EST, OUEST. There are also latitudes of thirty-eight (38) engraved continental cities and towns. Guaranteed Not A Reproduction. Measures 2-3/4″ (7cm) x 2-3/8″ (6cm). A great find for the collector.

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