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  • Superman Comic Sold for $45,200.00 on eBay

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    The Ebay Listing as of December 10, 2012.

    On September 23, 2012 a Superman Comic Sold for $45,200.00 on eBay

    The Seller sparklecitycomics described the item as: “Action Comics #10 Cgc 3.0 Court Copy Ow/W 3rd Superman Cover Siegel Shuster DC. This copy has beautiful eye appeal for the grade and has off-white to white pages. What makes this copy unique is the fact that on March 15, 1939 DC Comics brought a copyright infringement lawsuit against Fox, due to the character’s similarities to Superman, as well as story and illustration elements that were similar to previous Superman adventures”

    Definitely a very nice Comic that brought a lot of attention and a great price.

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