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  • Ugly 2 1/4

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    Item: Ugly 2 1/4″ T-Rex Tooth-Dinosaur Fossil
    Sold For: $650.00
    Bids:  15
    Date:  Jun 15, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Seller: erikhooleyfossils
    Description and Image By: erikhooleyfossils

    Ugly 2 1/4″ T-Rex Tooth

    This stocky tooth comes from the most famous of all theropods, Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Tyrannosaurus Rex, “The King Tyrant Lizard”, was among the largest and most powerful terrestrial carnivores of all time.  Adult Tyrannosaurus Rex grew to a length of 46 feet and was around 18 feet in height.

    This T-Rex tooth was found in two pieces, the tip was reattached and the crack was filled to stabilize the tooth.  The tooth has lost most of its enamel surface due to plant root etchings.  The T-Rex tooth has wear on most of its serrations due to plant root etchings also, although it has very little feeding wear.  This is one ugly T-Rex tooth that would be a great addition to any fossil collection.

    The Tyrannosaurus Rex Tooth measures:  1 1/16″ inches wide by 2 1/4″ inches in length.

    This stocky Tyrannosaurus Rex tooth was dug out of a microsite, or channel deposit, in the Hell Creek Formation of Carter County, Montana.  This T-Rex tooth was collected on private ranch land with the owner’s permission

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