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  • Zunari Kabuto With Ushirotate

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    Item: Zunari Kabuto (Helmet) With Ushirotate : Edo : 12.2 × 11.8 × 21.7″ 1.62kg
    Sold For: $1,399.99
    Bids: 1
    Date: Jul 22, 2012
    Auction: Ebay
    Description and Image By:  daimyou54eb

    Name Zunari Kabuto (helmet) with USHIROTATEThank you for watching our e-bay auction!! In our town, the earthquake doesn’t influence it at all. There is not a radiation effect because our town is further than the stricken area either. So Please tender and buy it at ease. Thank you! Best regards,daimyou54eb

    Age EDO Signature – Material Iron , Ushirotate is wood Work – Condition – Other Without Stand Weight 1.62kg Size Length 12.2″ 31cm Width 11.8″ 30cm  Height 21.7″ 55cm Diameter ” cm

    Old About 50~100 years ago A little old About 10~30 years ago


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